How I Changed My Mind about Women in LeadershipCompelling Stories from Prominent Evangelicals【電子書籍】
<p>This book features a number of autobiographical accounts as to how various persons have come to change their minds about women in leadership. Well-known Evangelical leadersーindividuals and couples, males and females from a broad range of denominational affiliation and ethnic diversityーshare their surprising journeys from a more or less restrictive view to an open inclusive view that recognizes a full shared partnership of leadership in the home and in the church based on gifts not gender. This book offers a positive vision for the future of women and men together as partners of equal worth without competitiveness in the work of equipping this and the next generation of Christian disciples for the ‘work of ministry’ and service in the Kingdom of God.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:1,220円
- レビュー件数:0件
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Teva 関連ツイート
@kutukutu_bot 2018/09/15 11:32
@____teva @gasmaaask @888kko オーサムとシーズはありだなあ。ぼくりりはワンマン行くほど曲知らない、、
@tig_69_ 2018/09/15 15:26
@Teva_Spl バァナァナァ(「🍌・ω・)「🍌?
@1t0ya_ 2018/09/15 17:50
Teva おすすめサイト
- ナイキ 家族向上チャンネル 広テレじゃん!
- 模試 神戸・難波・奈良、つながる。
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- やめられないとまらない、饅頭